How to increase chrome speed

increase chrome speed – Chrome browser is the fastest browser available. However, now there is an update in chrome using which we can make chrome loading speed even faster.

The new Prerendering technology, named ‘Prerender 2’, replaces NoState Prefetch, seen on the older versions of Chrome. The NoState Prefetch is said to speed up website loading, but it couldn’t process dynamic content.

Increase chrome speed for loading

This option is already available in the android browser and now it has come to the desktop, let’s see how to use it step by step and there is one method for both android and desktop.

First, open your browser and click on the three dots on the right-side corner. Then click the Help > About Chrome option and update your chrome browser up to date.

How to increase chrome speed
Output for updating the chrome browser

Now type chrome://flags in the chrome address bar and click the enter button.

How to increase chrome speed
Output for enable the flags

On the Chrome Experiments page, type prerender in the search box.

How to increase chrome speed
Output for searching the prerender option

Now You need to enable three flags:

  1. Prerender2
  2. Omnibox trigger for prerender2
  3. Prerender search suggestions.
How to increase chrome speed
Output for enabling the Prerender options

After enabling all the Prerender options press the Relaunch button at the bottom right side corner and restart your chrome browser.

How to increase chrome speed
Output for press Relaunch button

That’s it, now you can feel your chrome loading speed is faster than before.

I hope this post is very useful for you and please share this post with your friends, if you have any doubt about this post you can ask me through the command section.

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