faceg - facebook group hacking tool

Hello friend, what we are going to see in this post is about how to takeover facebook group admin. The tool we are going to use for this is faceg.

Faceg is a python tool, this tool can be installed and used on termux and linux, how it works is this is also a phishing tool, through this tool you have to create a link and send it to your target facebook group admin. Your target click on that link you sent and you can become group admin.

How to install Faceg tool on termux?

First you need to update your termux application upto date and then install the basic packages. We have already discussed how to install termux basic package so go to termux section to see it.


If you want to run this tool in your termux you need to install the package pyshorteners first so run the below command in your termux.

									pip install pyshorteners 				
faceg – facebook group hacking tool
Output for installing the pyshorteners python module

Now to download the faceg tool in our termux, we need to execute the following command in the terminal.

									git clone https://github.com/josifkhan/faceg.git				
faceg – facebook group hacking tool
Output for installing the faceg tool in termux

Now change the current directory to tool directory so execute the following command.

									cd faceg				
faceg – facebook group hacking tool
Output for changing the directory

Now give permission to read, write, and execute of faceg.py python file so run the below command.

									chmod +x faceg.py				
faceg – facebook group hacking tool
Output for giving permission to executing file

Now all the packages needed to run the faceg tool are in the requirements.tex file, just run that file according to the command given below and all the necessary packages will be installed.

									pip install -r requirements.txt				
faceg – facebook group hacking tool
Output for executing the requirements.txt file

Now execute the face.py  python file

faceg – facebook group hacking tool
Output for executing the faceg.py python file

After running the faceg.py python file you need to input your target’s facebook group id and your group id. You can get id by pasting your target facebook group and your facebook url in idlookup website.

faceg – facebook group hacking tool
Output for getting facebook url to id
faceg – facebook group hacking tool
Output for entering the id

Paste the id and press enter button and you will get a link that link should be sent to your target group admin. If your target clicks that link you can also become group admin.

faceg – facebook group hacking tool
Output for getting the phishing link

I hope you find this post very useful and if you have any queries you can ask me through command section below.

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