Scraper – All web browsers and software obtain user agent information to identify the device and the IP address. This user agent information will be changed when the phone or router is restarted
In this article i’m going to teach you how to scrap our all used user-agent information with the scraper tool
How to install scraper tool?
1. First of all we need to download the “Scraper” Tool so execute the below command in your terminal
git clone
2. Now change the directory to “scraper” tool so execute the below command in your terminal
3. Now check the following packages in your pip list, if not please install
- lxml
- beautifulsoup4
- bs4
- progressbar
- colorama
sudo pip install lxmlsudo pip install beautifulsoup4sudo pip install bs4sudo pip install progressbarsudo pip install colorama
3. Now give permission to read write and execute of python file so run the following command in your terminal
chmod +x
4. After complete the above steps run the following command to execute the python script
Scrap user-agent
Now type the 4 in your command prompt to know the previous user agent information. see the below image
sudo python3
That’s it you are done. Now you can see all your previous user agent information with these tool, I hope this article help you lot if yes please share your friends and if you have any doubts please free to ask in the command section
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