2022 Hack Instagram – Instagram is one of the leading social media platform. with this you can share photos, videos, files and chat with family and friends. every instagram account store users personal datas like enail, phone number, photos, username, password, location, address, etc.
Now a days the hackers easily access anyone’s instagram account without their permission. and also lot’s of hacking tools are available in the web
In this article i’m going to discussed with 2022 hack instagram account with brute force attack. The brute force attack is one of the method to hack instagram account password. This method don’t need victim support but it will take more time to find victim password. if you give correct word list, it can be possible to find easy
2022 Hack Instagram password
This work on both linux and termux and this is new tool of 2022. it’s work very fast and user friendly, the tool name called “inninja”
Step 1:
First of all we need to download the “inninja” brute force tool so execute the below command on your termux or Linux terminal.
git clone https://github.com/princekrvert/inninja.git);
Now change the directory with “cd” command
cd inninja
Now give permission to read, write and execute of all bash scripts so execute the below command in your terminal
chmod +x *.sh
Step 2:
After completing the above steps install the requirements so run the following command in your terminal
sudo bash setup.sh
Step 3:
Now open new terminal and run the below command to start the “Tor” server
sudo tor
Now run the tool with the below command, after running the tool it will ask victim instagram username so type it.
sudo bash inninja.sh
After entering the username, you can see the three option like the below image
1. Auto attack
With this attack it will load custom password list, this password list contain all new possible passwords but not sure, to get your target password because the custom password number is below 10000
If you need to start this attack just type 1 and press enter. before that you should start the tor otherwise it’s not work
2. Manual attack
With this attack you can create your own password list with linux preinstalled tools or github tools, I always recommend this manual attack because it will work 100%
Creating a manual password list we can put little effort to collect target personal information like date of birth, wife name, child name, pets name, etc. your manual password list should be contain the above information
Once you create a password list just type 2 and press enter. it will ask to you password file location just type and press enter
Download Instagram brute force tool
# 2022 hack instagram # 2022 hack instagram # 2022 hack instagram
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