Quasar Golden Edition Rat - windows Rat Tool

Quaser Golden Edition Rat – Quasar RAT is a family of malware written in .NET that is used by a variety of attackers. The malware is fully functional and open source. The Quasar tool allows users to remotely control other computers on a network.

The usage ranges from user support through day-to-day administrative work to employee monitoring. Providing high stability and an easy-to-use user interface, Quasar is the perfect remote administration solution for you.


  1. TCP network stream (IPv4 & IPv6 support)

  2. Fast network serialization (Protocol Buffers)

  3. Compressed (QuickLZ) & Encrypted (TLS) communication

  4. UPnP Support

  5. Task Manager

  6. File Manager

  7. Startup Manager

  8. Remote Desktop

  9. Remote Shell

  10. Remote Execution

  11. System Information

  12. Registry Editor

  13. System Power Commands (Restart, Shutdown, Standby)

  14. Keylogger (Unicode Support)

  15. Reverse Proxy (SOCKS5)

  16. Password Recovery (Common Browsers and FTP Clients)

How to download and install the Quasar Golden Edition Rat?

Step 1:

First of all, we need to download and install the “Quasar Golden Edition” tool. so click the below download button

Downlod Quasar Golden Edition Rat

Step 2:

Once download the file just click the executable file, After clicking on the executable file it will open and the interface will look like the image below. To create a malicious payload, you need to click on the “builder” option.

Quasar Golden Edition Rat – windows Rat Tool

Step 3:

Now you enter the host address and then you just click the “Build Client” Option

Quasar Golden Edition Rat – windows Rat Tool

Step 4:

After creating the payload you will send that payload to the victim if the victim clicks your payload means Go to the settings and click on the listening options

Quasar Golden Edition Rat – windows Rat Tool

Step 5:

Finally, you can control your victim device 

Quasar Golden Edition Rat – windows Rat Tool

I hope this article helps you a lot if you know any other rat tools means please free to share the command below

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