How to install Routersploit in Termux

Install Routersploit – RouterSploit Framework is an open-source exploitation framework to exploit embedded devices. It consists of various modules that aid penetration testing operations:

  1. exploits – modules that take advantage of identified vulnerabilities
  2. creds – modules designed to test credentials against network services
  3. scanners – modules that check if a target is vulnerable to any exploit
  4. payloads – modules that are responsible for generating payloads for various architectures and injection points
  5. generic – modules that perform generic attacks

Install Routersploit on Termux

1. First of all, we need to update our termux packages and applications, so execute the below command in your termux terminal

									apt update && apt upgrade				

How to install Routersploit in Termux

2. After completing the update download the Routersploit tool so type the below command 

									git clone				

download routersploit

3. Now change the directory to Routersploit so type the following command 

									lscd routersploitls				

How to install Routersploit in Termux

4. Now we need to the install requirements so type the below command in your termux terminal

									python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt				

install requirements

5. Now run the Routersploit tool to your termux so execute the following command



6. Now you can do anything with this tool 

How to install Routersploit in Termux

Download routersploit Tool

After completing the above process choose the payload and type the target IP address and execute with the “run” command

How to install Routersploit in Termux

That’s it, you are done. I hope this article helps you a lot if yes means please share with your friends also. If you have any doubts means please free to ask in the command section.

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