Hello, a guy’s in this article I’m going to show you another Bug Hunter tool the name is called Sitadel. Sitadel is an update for WAScan making it compatible with python >= 3.4 It allows more flexibility for you to write new modules and implement new features.
- Content Delivery Network detection
- Define Risk Level to allow for scans
- Plugin system
- Docker image available to build and run
How to install and use Sitadel Tool?
Step 1:
First of all, we need to download the Sitadel tool so type the below command in your terminal
git clone https://github.com/shenril/Sitadel.git
Step 2:
Now change the directory so type the below commands In your terminal
cd Sitadel
Step 3:
Now install the pip package so type the below command in your terminal
sudo apt install pip
Step 4:
After that install, the requirements so execute the following commands on your terminal
pip install .pip3 install .
Step 5:
Now Enter the domain name which you want to get the information and it will show you all the details on the terminal
USAGE: python3 sitadel.py (domain name)
python3 sitadel.py https://www.errorsfind.com
CMS and WAF Detection
We try many different tools just to see these things but this has dumped both useful stuff in just a second.
The risk level feature given by this tool is only being used for detecting the more useful stuff from the web application.
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