PyWhat - Find The Mysterious Text

Hello, the guy’s in this article I will show you one of the best information-gathering tools. The tool name is PyWhat this will help you to find some unknown values and secret keys

How to install and use the PyWhat?

Step 1:

First, we need to install the requirements so run the following command

									sudo apt install python3sudo apt install python3-pip -y				

pywhat < number of card >” loading=”lazy” srcset=” 853w,×182.png 300w,×466.png 768w” sizes=”(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px”></p><p><strong>Step 2:</strong></p><p>Then install the tool to execute the following command</p><pre data-line=

pip3 install pywhat

pywhat < number of card >” loading=”lazy” srcset=” 853w,×182.png 300w,×466.png 768w” sizes=”(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px”></p><p>I will show a few examples</p><h3>Find Cryptocurrency Addresses</h3><p>The main part starts from here where we will show you the <a href=performance of this tool by detecting the cryptocurrency address. As you can see we have only one unknown value which we have never seen and once we try to detect it through this tool we get to know that the following value is a cryptocurrency wallet address.

Usage : pywhat “< value >”

pywhat < number of card >” loading=”lazy” srcset=” 659w,×190.png 300w” sizes=”(max-width: 659px) 100vw, 659px”></p><h3><strong>Analyzing Pcap File</strong></h3><p>As we know that “<strong>PCAP</strong>” extension files are data files that contain the packet data of a network which we can also analyze through this tool.</p><p><strong>Usage :</strong> pywhat < location of PCAP file ></p><p><img decoding=

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