Profil3r is an OSINT tool that allows you to find potential profiles of a person on social networks, as well as their email addresses. This program also alerts you to the presence of a data leak for the found emails.
How to download and install the profil3r?
Step 1:
First of all, we need to download the profile3r tool so type the below command in your terminal
git clone
Step 2:
Now change the directory to Profil3r to execute the following commands
cd Profil3r
Step 3:
Then install the profil3r OSINT tool so type the following command
sudo python3 install
Step 4:
After that run the profile finder OSINT tool with the below commands and Only we need to leave the name of the target in the command and it will keep asking us everything step by step
python3 -p errorsfind
Now we get many profiles with the same name that we gave, so now you can open it one by one and get the exact profile.
During the installation of this tool, we will need the python utility, so it should be in your system, and if you have not then you can install it using the following command.
sudo apt install python3 python
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