Hack pdf password with a brute force attack

Hack pdf password – pdfbruter is a standalone password cracker for PDF files, the decryption process can take a while and you need to wait and be patient until you can go have a cup of coffee, or watch a movie, or have a snack … hahaha (Save me a little haha) later come back and check out pdfbruter.

Tested on

  1. Termux
  2. Parrot OS
  3. Windows
  4. ubuntu
  5. Ubuntu
  6. Slax Linux
  7. Kali Linux

How to install and use the hack pdf password tool?

Step 1:

First of all, we need to download the pdf password tool so type the below command on your terminal

									git clone https://github.com/TermuxHackz/pdfbruter.git				

download the hacking tool

Step 2:

Now change the directory to pdfbruter so execute the below command on your terminal

									cd pdfbruter				

change the directory

Step 3:

Then permit to read write and execute all python scripts so enter the below command in your terminal

									chmod +x *				

Hack pdf password with a brute force attack

Step 4:

After that install requirements of pdfbruter tool so execute the following 

									pip3 install termcolorpip install pikepdf				

Hack pdf password with a brute force attack

Step 5:

Now install dependencies so run the below command 

									python3 dependencies.py				

Hack pdf password with a brute force attack

Step 6:

Finally, run the hack pdf password tool so type the below command in your terminal

									python3 pdfbruter.py --help				

Hack pdf password with a brute force attack

Download pdfbruter Tool

Now you load the password text and crack the pdf password. If you have any doubts means please free to ask in the command section

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