IKY-collects all information from an email

IKY – Hello everyone, and welcome to another article in this article, I will teach you how to install and use the iky tool on a Linux device.

What is iky tool?

iKy is an OSINT tool that collects information from an email and shows results in a nice visual interface

This tool shows the following information

  1. People data labs
  2. Twitter Tweet
  3. Socialscan
  4. Sherlock
  5. Email rep
  6. Full contact
  7. Instagram instaloader
  8. Profile analysis
  9. Darklab, etc.

How to Install the iky tool?

Step 1:

First, e need to download the Iky tool package so type the below command on your terminal

									git clone https://github.com/kennbroorg/iKy.git				

download the iky tool

Step 2:

Now change the tool directory so type the following the command

									cd iKy				

change the directory

Step 3:

Now we need to download and install the Redis server so follow the below commands

									wget http://download.redis.io/redis-stable.tar.gz				

download redis stable zip file

Step 4:

Extract the Redis server zip

									tar xvzf redis-stable.tar.gz				

extract zip file

Step 5:

Now install the Redis stable server so type the below commands one by one

									cd redis-stable				




									sudo make install				

IKY-collects all information from an email

Step 6:

Once you complete the above process run the Redis-server on your Linux


IKY-collects all information from an email

Step 7:

After that minimize the Redis server screen and open the new terminal inside the iky folder

IKY-collects all information from an email

Step 8:

Now type the below command one by one

									cd frontendnpm install				

IKY-collects all information from an email

Step 9:

Now open a new terminal on the backend folder inside the iky tool and type the below command

									python3 app.py -e prod				

IKY-collects all information from an email

Step 10:

After that run this below URL on your browser to access the iky tool on the web interface

How to solve errors?

If you have any error means you will do another two steps 

Step 1:

Turn on Celery in another terminal, within the directory backend


Again, in another terminal turn on backend app from directory backend

									python3 app.py				

Step 2:

Finally, to run frontend server, execute the following command from directory frontend

									npm start				

After executing the above command go on your browser and type the string to access the iky tool

Config API Keys

Once the application is loaded in the browser, you should go to the API Keys option and load the needed values.

  1. Full-contact: Generate the APIs from here
  2. PeopleDataLabs: Generate the APIs from here
  3. Linkedin: Linkedin changed their authentication process and with that, the module in iKy stopped working, but I found a relatively easy way to bypass it (here)
  4. Instagram: Only the user and password of your account must be loaded
  5. HaveIBeenPwned: Generate the APIs from here (Paid)
  6. Emailrep.io: Generate the APIs from here
  7. Leaklookup: Generate the APIs from here
  8. Twitter: Generate the APIs from here
  9. Spotify: Generate the APIs from here
  10. Twitch: Generate the APIs from here

Download The iky Tool

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