Collets information from Facebook – In this article, I will teach you how to collect information from Facebook user profiles using the Fisherman tool.
What is Fisherman Tool?
A fisherman is a CLI program that collects information from Facebook user profiles via Selenium.
- Git package
- Python and Pyhton2 program
- Geckodriver
- Firefox browser
Features of collects information from facebook tool
With this tool, we will get the following information
- Workplace
- Schools
- Location
- Contact information
- Website and Social links
- Basic information
- Gender
- Interested In
- Religious Views
- Political Views
- Relationship
- Family members
- Workplaces
- About
- Native place
- Current city
- Name Pronunciation
- Favorite Quotes
How to install the Geckodriver?
Without geckdriver you can not use this fisherman tool
1. Download Gecko Driver
2. Unzip tar file
sudo tar -xvf geckodriver-v0.26.0-linux64.tar.gz
3. Move Gecko Driver to Binary Location
sudo mv geckodriver /usr/local/bin/
4. Change Current Directory to Binary Location
cd /usr/local/bin/
5. Make Executable Permission to ‘geckodriver’
sudo chmod +x geckodriver
How to install collects information from Facebook (Fisherman) Tool
Step 1:
First of all, we need to download the collected information from the Facebook tool in your terminal so type the below command.
Step 2:
Now change your directory to the Fisherman tool so type the below command on your terminal.
cd FisherMan
Step 3:
Permit the python file to read, write, and execute so follow the below commands.
chmod +x
Step 4:
Now install the requirements of collects information from the Facebook tool
python3 -m pip install -r requeriments.txt
Step 5:
After that, you get your victim’s Facebook username or Facebook id and run this tool with the below commands.
If you have a victim username run the below program
python3 -u (victim username)
If you have a victim Facebook ID run the below program
python3 -i (victim facebook id)
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