TERBR -If you are a termux user for a while you will have a data loss problem. During this time we can back up our termux tools. This article is about how to do that.
For example, we can access all termux tools after re-install the termux with the TERBR tool.
What is TERBR Tool in Termux?
TERBR is a Termux backup and restores tool that allows you to backup all Termux tools to an archive. You can restore these tools after reinstalling Termux or uninstalling all tools. This tool can save you the trouble of installing the same tool over and over again. You can also access your favorite termux tool offline via backup
How to install and use it?
Step 1:
First, we need to download the TERBR termux backup tool so type the following command.
Step 2:
After that type the following command to backup your termux completely
terbr -b
After executing these this tool will ask to choose to save backup location. choose the default location 2
After that wait for few seconds for the TERBR tool to backup your termux completely.
Step 3:
Now if you want to restore type the below command on your termux terminal.
terbr -r
Now just type YES and continue. then you need to choose your backup. if you make more backup means you choose the latest one
Now you can access all your files without error
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