Fotosploit - mask phishing URL like a pro

Fotosploit – mask phishing – we already discussed the mask phish tool that tool hides your phishing URL. but the fotosploit tool makes your phishing link like a pro.

This tool not hiding URLs but it will give a trusted look at your phishing URL

What is Fotosploit – mask phishing?

When we share a link on social media, the preview load for that link. Most people will open the link just by looking at this preview. This fotosploit tool does just that, giving us the preview we need for our phishing URL.

The fotosploit is one of the best tools for mask phishing. this tool only works with WhatsApp and telegram if you share your link on other social media this hack does not work.

Fotosploit - mask phishing URL like a pro


Tested Platform

  1. PHP package
  2. Python2 package
  3. Ngrok package
  4. Git package

Tested Platform

  1. Termux
  2. Linux
  3. Ubuntu
  4. Windows

How to install?

Step 1:

First, you need to install all requirements and basic package’s 

How to install git?


pkg install git


sudo apt-get install git

How to install PHP?


pkg install php


sudo apt-get install php

How to install python2?


pkg install python && pkg install python2


sudo apt-get install python && sudo apt-get install python2

Step 2:

Now you need to download the fotosploit package so type the below command on your terminal.

									git clone				

Step 3:

Change your directory root to Fotosploit so type the below command.

									cd FotoSploit				

Step 4:

Now you need to run the fotosploit bash file to execute the tool. just type the below command and the tool will start.

This tool is only for educational purposes. If you use this tool for other purposes except for education we will not be responsible in such cases.

									bash FotoSploit				

Single command installation

On some mobiles ngrok link may not be created because the hotspot on your mobile is not turned on so turn on the hotspot on your mobile and run this tool again.

									pkg update && pkg upgrade -y && pkg install php python2 git -y && cd && git clone && cd FotoSploit && ls && bash --install --premium && cd && exit				

How to use it?

Step 5:

Once you run the fotosploit tool on your terminal then type the below command.

									show options				

Step 6:

first, you need to set an image that means which image you want to show on the link preview so type the below command.

set foto ( your image path )

									set foto /data/data/com.termux/files/home/picture.jpg				

Step 7:

Now you need to set your view, the view is the website phishing page that you wanna use, I am gonna make a phishing page for Instagram so I am setting my view as Instagram. you can type, set view –help to get the list of views, and to set the view you need to type the below command.

									set view instagram				

Step 8:

Now set URL title that will show on link preview

									set title url How to earn mony on online				

The title should be related to the selected picture.

Step 9:

Now set action URL. after your victim type credential that page will redirect to the action URL.

									set action url				

Step 10:

Now you need to set the red social, here you need to choose which type of phishing page you want to create, if you need help then you can type, set red social –help and you will see multiple versions of the same website, select a version that suits your social engineering. I am using normal Instagram in the below command.

									set red social instagram				

Step 11:

Now set the mini title that will show on your link previews

									set mini title ( your title )				

Step 12:

Now type the below command on your terminal this command will help you to get your masking URL


After executing the above command you will get one sharable link. share that link to your victim. If your victim types any credentials that will be received on your terminal.

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