How to crack wifi password - crack any wifi password

In this article I’m going to teach you how to crack WIFI password, From the previous post we learned how to crate wordlist and how to capture handshake these two’s are main things to crack password.

Wifi password cracking method is very simple but we need to prepare correct wordlist file and WIFI headshake file. If we have these two files means we can easily crack any WIFI password.


  1. Handshake file
  2. Wordlist

How to crack wifi password?

Step 1:

First we will need to know surrounding WIFI network. If you don’t know means please read previous article or just type this below command on your terminal this command will help you to show the WIFI networks around us.

sudo airodump-ng wlan0

How to capture handshake file
Capture wifi networks arount us

Step 2:

Now choose which WIFI you want to hack because we need to capture that WIFI handshake file so only we will crack  password. Type this below formatted command on your terminal this command will help you to get handshake file on targeted WIFI network.

sudo airodump-ng –bssid ( Targeted wifi network mac address ) –channel ( Targeted wifi channel number) –write handshake wlan0

How to capture handshake file
command of Handshake capture

Step 3:

Once you get handshake file then you need to create wordlist file we already discussed. click here

Step 4:

Now we crack  password with help of aircrack-ng. your handshake file stored in your root directory or your current directory it’s depending on your terminal location and you should choose cap file. now you will open your terminal on your headshake file location then type this below formatted command on your terminal.

sudo aircrack-ng ( hadshake file ) -w ( wordlist text file)

How to crack wifi password
Password cracking command

Step 5:

Once you typing this above command on terminal your wifi password cracking process will be started it will check correct matched password on your wordlist file if there any matched password means it will show immediately.

how to crack wifi password
Crack WIFI password

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