Whois - Get all Whois about the domain

WHOIS information – is a TCP-based query and response protocol that is commonly used to provide information services to Internet users. It returns information about the registered Domain Names, an IP address block, Name Servers and a much wider range of information services.

In Linux, the whois command line utility is a WHOIS client for communicating with the WHOIS server (or database host) which listen to requests on the well-known port number 43, which stores and delivers database content in a human-readable format.

How to install whois information Tool

whois information command line utility does not come pre-installed on many Linux distributions, run the appropriate command below for your distribution to install it


pkg install whois


sudo apt install whois


yum install whois


dnf install whois

Whois - Get all Whois about the domain

How to get information about IP address

To get the information about specific IP Address issue this below command as shown in the below picture.

whois (IP address)

Whois - Get all Whois about the domain

How to get domain information

To get the information about the registered domain, simply issue the following command with the domain name. It will retrieve domain data including availability, ownership, creation, expiration details, name servers, etc.

whois (Domain name)

Whois - Get all Whois about the domain

WHOIS information – is a TCP-based query and response protocol that is commonly used to provide information services to Internet users. It returns information about the registered Domain Names, an IP address block, Name Servers and a much wider range of information services.

I hope this article helps you if yes means please share your friends also if you have any doubts means please tell me the command section. Thank you

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