Hello guy’s in this article we are going to discuss about websploit tool this tool one of best tool in penetrating testing and get information about website so in this article we completely discuss with websploit tool.
- Android version 5.0 and above
- python package
- Git package
- Bash language
- Python package
- Git package
- Bash language
Tested platform
- Kali Linux
- Parrot Linux
- Termux
- Garuda Linux
Feature’s about websploit
- You can find Ip Address of the website
- You can do Ddos Attack on website
- Bruteforce ( Instagram , Spotify , Twitter , Netfilx , Amazon Prime video , Pinrest ) [ Coming soon ]
- Port Scanner [Coming soon]
How to install and use websploit Tool
Step 1:
First you type this below command in your terminal this command will help you to download the websploit package
git clone https://github.com/Deadshot0x7/Webspoilt.git
Step 2:
Now change the websploit directory so type this below command in your terminal.
cd Websploit
Step 3:
Once you chnage websploit directory type this below command this command will help you to give permission of read write and execute of all websploit package.
chmod +x *
Step 4:
Now we need to install all requirements of the tool so type this below command in your terminal.
bash setup.sh
sudo bash setup.sh
Step 5:
Now you just type this below command in your terminal this command will help you to run the tool in your terminal.
python3 Websploit.py
Step 6: Example
Now you can use all above tool to get information for an example if you find any website ip address follow this below steps.
Download the scripts on various platform
Linux :
- Clone the Repository by using git clone command
- git clone
- cd Webspoilt
- pip install -r Requirments.txt or run setup.sh
- python3 Webspoilt
Macintosh :
- Clone the Repository by using git clone command
- git clone
- cd Webspoilt
- pip install -r Requirments.txt or run setup.sh
- python3 Webspoilt
Termux :
- Clone the Repository by using git clone command
- git clone
- cd 00Webspoilt
- pip install -r Requirments.txt or run setup.sh
- python3 Webspoilt
Disclaimer : – This site will not responsible if you misuse the script , by using the script you’re that you will be responsible for the loss you have made
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