Top best new Termux tools 2022

In this article we are going to discuss about top best termux Tools.

1. Tool-X

Top nest termux tools Tool-X is a kali linux hacking Tool installer. Tool-X developed for Termux and other Linux based systems. using Tool-X you can install almost 370+ hacking tools in Termux app and other linux based distributions.

2. Weeman Tool

This tool can make mostly all biggest website to http phishing page.This tool make python language and this tool mostly used for DNS spoofed attack ( see dsniff, ettercap). before installation you must check requirements.

3. Insfollow Tool

Insfollow is a one of the best termux Tool this tool helps you to increase your Instagram followers. This tool make a bash script so you can use very easy.

4. Termux wifi Hacking

If we use linux so many ways are there to hack wifi password but termux means it’s difficult but now we hack wifi password with termux phishing method with this script.

5. Shark Phishing Tool

Shark is a tool that will help you do Phishing in advance way so no one check and identify that you are you doing phishing. For those guys who Doesn’t know about Phishing let me explain “Phishing is the fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information or data, such as usernames, passwords, by disguising oneself as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. Typically carried out by email spoofing, instant messaging and text messaging, phishing often directs users to enter personal information at a fake website which matches the look and feel of the legitimate site.” This Projetc Does not Promote any thing Like this we just have made for testing perpose dont thing we into any illegal thing. we guys have add a feature of custom link so the normal link of ngrok that will change in to different link in the tool it self and you can customise that link also like you can make That way no one will caught that you are phishing Hope you guys like this Project,then dont forget to give it a like.

6. Phonesploit-Remote Android Management Tool

Already we discussed so many hacking tool and tricks but in this post we discussed special one that is “How to remote android management tool via ADB” This article only discussed with how to use phonesploit tool but upcoming post we should discuss with how to hack original android phone with their IP address.

7. Crunch Tool

crunch is a word-list generating tool that comes pre-installed with Kali Linux. It is used to generate custom keywords based on word-lists. It generates a wordlist with permutation and combination. We could use some specific patterns and symbols to generate a word-list.

8. Mrphish

mrphish is a bash based script which is officially made for phish*ng social media accounts with portforwarding and otp bypassing cntrole. This tool works on both rooted Android device and Non-rooted Android device

9. Okadminfinder

OKadminFinder is an Apache2 Licensed utility, rewritten in Python 3.x, for admins/pentesters who want to find admin panel of a website. There are many other tools but not as effective and secure. Yeah, Okadminfinder has the the ability to use tor and hide your identity

10. Hacklock

Hacklock is a bash based script which is officially termux from this tool in just one click you can generate pattern phishing tool which can hack victim android mobile password and. This tool works on both rooted Android device and Non-rooted Android device.


Fbtool is a one of the best Tool to get all user information about your victim


Twtboom is a python script in this tool help you to brute force attack on twitter account.

13. whatsapp_rce

This is a Automated Generate Payload for CVE-2019-11932 (WhatsApp Remote Code Execution)

  • Auto install GCC (no harm command, you can see this is open-source)
  • Saving to .GIF file

14. DarkFly tool V.4.0

DarkFly-Tool is an installation tool for installing tools. this tool makes it easy for you. so you don’t need to type git clone or look for the github repository. You only have to choose the number. which tool you want to install. there are 530 tools ready for intall. and for those of you who like to have fun. there are 7 SMS spam tools that are ready to use, you just need to choose spam to use the target number. there is a tocopedia DLL

15. TM-scanner

TM-scanner is simple python script.This tool for detecting vulnerabilities in websites.

16. osi.ig

The Instagram OSINT Tool gets a range of information from an Instagram account that you normally wouldn’t be able to get from just looking at their profile

17. Webhack-hack cctv camera

18. Hackerwasi

More information collection tool’s available in web but this tool completely different from other tool’s that is this tool have all information collecting package in one tool.


INSTA is a bash based script which is officially made to test password strength of instagram account from termux with bruteforce attack and. This tool works on both rooted Android device and Non-rooted Android device.


WAFW00F allows one to identify and fingerprint Web Application Firewall (WAF) products protecting a website.

21. Nero phishing server

Nero phishing server This tool clone any website at a phishing page if you make any phishing page definitely you should know HTML programming or any other language but if you use this tool you can easily make any website as a phishing page.

22. Instagram Grabber

This tool grab all Instagram user information with their username. it’s made in bash language and it’s very easy to use.
This tool find any FB user id from their fb username this tool make in python language’s and it’s very easy to use in our termux.

24. Xploitspy

Xploitspy is a free tool it will help you to monitoring any kind of android phone with lot of future.


Concept behind Seeker is simple, just like we host phishing pages to get credentials why not host a fake page that requests your location like many popular location based websites.Seeker Hosts a fake website on In Built PHP Server and uses Serveo to generate a link which we will forward to the target, website asks for Location Permission and if the target allows it, we can get

26. FakeRoot

Termux Fakeroot is allow permission to access root without rooted phone.

27. E-TOOL

E-TOOL is a Tool which can be used to Get Microphone voice note from victim also get Photos from victim phone, it’s a Bash based script.This tool works on both rooted Android device and Non-rooted Android device.

28. Phish mailer

Lot’s of tools available in web but if you use that tools so many procedure there at the same time errors also came. This tool very easy to use and sent lot’s of mails from different templates.

29. TBomb

Tbomb is a python tool this tool help you to sms and call bomber for linux and termux.

30. Nexphisher

nexphisher is an automated phishing tool made for termux & linux . This tool has 40 phishing tool templates of 30 websites. there are 5 port forwarding options are there including localhost.

31. Clipboardme

Clipboardme is a bash script this tool can help you to hack your victim clipboard data


SQLMAP is an open-source tool that automatically detect and exploits SQL injection bug. by doing a SQL injection attack, an attacker can take over and manipulate a database on server. So from that we can steal or retrieve a database from a website that we want for example, we can retrieve website admin id and password from database.

33. L3MON

L3MON is a rat payload making tool if you install this tool payload in your victim device you can fully control your victim device.

34. Mail-swipe

Mail Swipe is a python script that helps you to create temporary email addresses and receive emails at that address. It uses the API provided by 1secmail to create emails addresses and fetch emails.

35. kali-linux

Kali Linux is a Debian-based Linux distribution aimed at advanced Penetration Testing and Security Auditing. Kali contains several hundred tools which are geared towards various information security tasks, such as Penetration Testing, Security research, Computer Forensics and Reverse Engineering. Kali Linux is developed, funded and maintained by Offensive Security, a leading information security training company.
top best termux tools top best termux tools top best termux tools top best termux tools

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