A simple port scanner for termux - Tscan

Port scanner – Hello guy’s, In this article we are going to discuss about how to scan all open ports with using termux application
A simple port scanner for termux - Tscan

What is port scanner?

A port scanner is a technique for figuring out which ports on an organization are open. As ports on a PC are where data is sent and gotten, port checking is comparable to thumping on ways to check whether somebody is home.

Running a port output on an organization or worker uncovers which ports are open and tuning in (accepting data), just as uncovering the presence of security gadgets, for example, firewalls that are available between the sender and the objective.

This strategy is known as fingerprinting. It is additionally important for testing network security and the strength of the framework’s firewall. Because of this usefulness, it is likewise a famous observation device for assailants looking for a powerless purpose of admittance to break into a PC


Tested platform

  • Termux
  • Linux
  • Windows

How to download and use port scanner

Step 1: Clone the package port scanner

First you download tscan port scanner package so type this below command in your termux application.

git clone https://github.com/princekrvert/Tscan.git

A simple port scanner for termux - Tscan

Step 2: Change the directory

Now you change your directory into Tscan so type this below command in your termux application

cd Tscan

A simple port scanner for termux - Tscan

Step 3: Install requirement’s

Now we need to install all requirements of Tscan package so type this below command in your terminal.

pip install -r requirements.txt

A simple port scanner for termux - Tscan

Step 4: Change the permission

Now we need to give the permission to read write and execute of python file so type this below command in your terminal

chmod +x *.py

And also give permission to bash scripts

chmod +x *.sh

A simple port scanner for termux - Tscan

Step 5: Execute the tool

Now type this below command this command will help you to execute the port scanner tool.

bash install.sh

scan the ip address

Now you can type any IP address to see the open ports. see this below image.

complet the setup


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