UDork-dvanced Google search techniques to obtain sensitive information in files or directories

UDork is a script written in Bash Scripting that uses advanced Google search techniques to obtain sensitive information in files or directories, find IoT devices, detect versions of web applications, and so on.


  • Android version 5.0 and above
  • Termux application
  • Git package
  • Facebook messenger cookies


  • Git package
  • Docker or Facebook messenger cookies

How install and use Udork

Step 1:

First of all you download udork package in your termux or linux terminal so type this below command in your termux.

git clone https://github.com/m3n0sd0n4ld/uDork.git

Step 2:

Now you need to open uDork folder in your terminal so type this below command in your terminal.

cd uDork

Step 3:

Now minimize your terminal and open uDork.sh base file in txt
Once you open this above script past your facebook cookies if you don’t know how to get facebook cookies don’t worry i will give procedure in below.

Step 4:

Now give permission to read, write and execute of uDork.sh bash script so type this below command in your terminal.

chmod +x uDork.sh

Step 5:

Now you can run uDork.sh if you type this below command in your terminal this command will help you to guide how to use this tool

bash uDork.sh -h

That’s it guy’s now you can use this tool without error

How to get facebook messenger cookies

Step 1:

First you login your Facebook account

Step 2:

Now we will access www.messenger.com (It is the Facebook messaging app) and click on the “Continue as…” Button

Step 3:

Once we’re in, all we have to do is get the two cookies we need to make uDork work.

— Right mouse button and click on “Inspect”.

Step 4:

Now click on the “Cookies” tab, copy and paste the cookies “c_user” and “xs” into the “uDork.sh” file.

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