How to hack WhatsApp just a link - WhatsApp-phishing

 Hack whatsapp just a link – Welcome to another article, If any person have a android phone defiantly they use whats-app. Whatsapp is most secured one because “end to end encryption” so no chance to hack. But have some way to hack victim or friends whats-app account. so in this article we are going to discuss about one of the whats-app hacking way
How to hack WhatsApp just a link - WhatsApp-phishing

What is whats-app phishing tool?

Hack whatsapp – phishing the simple word is “cloning of original” that means what-app web is original now we clone that original page and host our server so if any person using our hosted what-app web means all that victim’s data received us. that’s called phishing.


  1. Ngrok setup
  2. Root must
  3. Apache server
  4. Internet
  5. Add repo on kali

How to install and use hack whatsapp tool?

Step 1:

First you download whatapp-phishing tool in your terminal so type this below command.

git clone

How to hack WhatsApp just a link - WhatsApp-phishing

Step 2:

Now change the directory of “Whatsapp-phishing” so type this below command in your terminal.

cd whatsapp-phishing

How to hack WhatsApp just a link - WhatsApp-phishing

Step 3:

Now give permission to read write and execute of “” bash file so type this below command in your terminal.

chmod +x

How to hack WhatsApp just a link - WhatsApp-phishing

If that file get permission means that file color was changer

Step 4:

Now open website and register
how to install ngrok on termux

once you login your dashboard will be like this below image.

ngrok installetion

Now just tab “Download for linux” Button you will get one zip file after that you extract and move that ngrok file into whatsapp-phishing directory

Step 5:

Now open your terminal inside “whatsapp-phishing” directory and past ngrok token. this ngrok token was avilable in ngrok dashboard blow connect your account 
download ngrok setup on termux

Step 6:

Now type this below command in your terminal this command will help you to run scripts in your terminal.

sudo bash

Once you run this command this tool will ask ngrok location so you just drag ngrok to terminal the location will automatically added.

How to hack WhatsApp just a link - WhatsApp-phishing
Once you past ngrok location just press enter

Step 7:

Now you will get ngrok link and 3 terminal screen see the below image.
whatsapp phishing page

Step 8:

Now you share your ngrok link into your victim if that victim click your link means that link will show this below image
whatsapp phishing  page
This above image was phone number page if your victim enter their phone number means this page will redirect to otp page but this tool can not to be sent otp so you need to go to original website and use those credentials to send real OTP to victim. Once he enter that OTP such OTP will also be there with you and you will be allowed to login the account before him.
This above image is whats-app otp phishing page
Once the victim enter the otp means that otp will receive into your terminal see this below image

This method is one of the whats-app hacking method but lot’s of methods are available. I will post one by one so be touched. if you like this article please share your friends.

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