Weeman Tool – Hello, guys, Welcome to another article in this article we are going to discuss how to create your own phishing page with termux. This tool can make almost all biggest websites into HTTP phishing pages.
This Weeman Tool makes python language and this tool is mostly used for DNS spoofed attacks ( see dnsniff, ettercap). before installation, you must check requirements.
- Android version 5.0 and above
- Termux application
- Git package
- Php package
- Python package
- Bs4 python module
- Update up to date
- Git package
- Php package
- Python package
- Bs4 python module
Tested Platform
- Linux
- Mac
- Windows
- Termux
How to download and install weeman tool
Step 1:
First, we need to download the Weeman package in our system so type this below command.
git clone https://github.com/samyoyo/weeman.git
Step 2:
Now you open weeman folder in your terminal so type this below command in your terminal.
cd weeman
Step 3:
Now give pwermission to read, write and execute of weeman.py python file so type this below command in your terminal.
chmod +x weeman.py
Step 4:
Now run this weeman.py python file so type this below command in your terminal.
python2 weeman.py
Step 5:
Now type help command in your terminal you can see all options
How to create phishing page
Now you just follow the below command
set url (your website url)
set ip (your ip address)
set port (your port)
set action_url (again past your url)
Just you copy and past this above command one by one in your weeman terminal
Once you create phishing page you have to get one link like “” just share this link into victim once your victim click your link that will be show the below image.
NOTE: You should be use Ngrok because localhost not support to wan
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