Host phishing page without Port forwarding with 000webhost Lifetime

Hello Guy’s, Welcome to another article, Mostly we used to host our phishing page in our linux or termux but the problem is we don’t know when victim click this phishing link so we wait so much time to without closing our system but in this article I’m going to show you How to host phishing page life Time with 000webhost


  • Internet
  • Android or any operating system
  • Phishing page with php file


  • Life time access
  • Reduce our waiting time to close our system
  • Free cost

How to host phishing page without port forwarding with 000webhost

Step 1: Sing in

First of all you going to sing up 000webhost so click this below 000webhost button this button will redirect to that website page


Step 2 : Host your phishing page

Once you sing up you get one email to verification process once you complete this verification aging you login your account first time you login your page will be like this below image.

You want to choose your website name once you type your website name just tab submit button

Once you submit this website show this below 3 option you choose “Upload your site” option
 if you select this option this page will redirect to you website root directory see this below image.

Now click “public_html” folder you can see “.htaccess” file, delete that file

Now upload your phishing page with php file
NOTE: Don’t upload folder upload files only because you upload phishing page folder mean’s this method not work

Once you upload your phishing page you go to your home page just click 00webhost icon

Now you can see your website link copy that link to share your victim

Step 3: Victim view

Once your victim click this link that link will show you phishing page and type any data means that all data saved to your website root directory.
That’s it if you like this article means share your friend’s also and if you have any doubts means please command below.

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