Hack everyone information through gmail with GHunt

 Hello guy’s, Welcome to another article, Google or gmail is most popular one this world. Now a days almost every persons have google account or gmail account. If you have one gmail account means you can get all other persons detail’s through your gmail API.

GHunt is an OSINT tool to extract information from any Google Account using an email

Feature’s of GHunt Tool

  • Owner’s name
  • Last time the profile was edited
  • Google ID
  • If the account is a Hangouts Bot
  • Activated Google services (YouTube, Photos, Maps, News360, Hangouts, etc.)
  • Possible YouTube channel
  • Possible other usernames
  • Public photos (P)
  • Phones models (P)
  • Phones firmwares (P)
  • Installed softwares (P)
  • Google Maps reviews (M)
  • Possible physical location (M)
  • Events from Google Calendar (C)

The features marked with a (P) require the target account to have the default setting of Allow the people you share content with to download your photos and videos on the Google AlbumArchive, or if the target has ever used Picasa linked to their Google account.
More info here.
Those marked with a (M) require the Google Maps reviews of the target to be public (they are by default).
Those marked with a (C) requires user to have Google Calendar set on public (default it is closed)

How to Download install GHunt Tool

Step 1:

First you download GHunt tool in your terminal so type this below command

git clone https://github.com/mxrch/GHunt.git

Step 2:

Now change the directory so type this below command in your terminal

cd GHunt

Step 3:

Now install requirement’s of GHunt Tool so type this below command in your terminal.

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 4:

Now give permission to read, write and execute of all python file so type this below command in your terminal.

chmod +x *.py

Step 5:

Now type this below command in your terminal

python3 check_and_gen.py

Once you type this above command in your terminal this tool will ask you gmail account “cookies” so type all your cookies

How to find these four Gmail cookies

  1. Log in to accounts.google.com
  2. After that, open the Dev Tools window and navigate to the Storage tab (Shift + F9 on Firefox) (It’s called “Application” on Chrome)
  3. If you don’t know how to open it, just right-click anywhere and click “Inspect Element”.
  4. Then you’ll find every cookie you need, including the 4 ones.

Once you get all your cookies you will copy and past this following cookies

  • SID
  • SSID
  • HSID

NOTE: You should enable “Less secure app” in your gmail if you not this tool did not work

How to enable less secure app in gmail

1. Login your gmail account
2. Now tab your logo on right said now you see “manage your google account” Tab this option.
3. Now you choose security option

4. scroll down you can see less secure app just enable it.

Step 6:

Now just just type this below command on your terminal this will help you to run this tool in your terminal.

python3 hunt.py (your victim mail address)


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