How to install metasploit |
- Android version 5.0 and above
- Termux application
- 500 MP free space
How to install metasploit in termux application
apt update && apt upgrade
Now update your termux all packages so type this below command this command will help you to update your termux package
pkg update && pkg upgrade
Now we have to install some scripts and dependencies using the below command
pkg install git curl wget nmap -y
This above command install 4 packages in single command that packages are
- git will allow us to copy the files from the GitHub repository.
- Wget will get the data from web servers.
- curl stands for Client URL and it will allow transferring data using various protocols.
- Nmap is a network mapper it’s for network discovery.
Now type this below command this command will help you to download metasploit installer package in your termux.
curl -LO
Now you have bash script so type this below command this command will help you to give permission to write read and execute of script.
chmod 777
Now just type this below coomand in your termux this command will help you to install metasploit.
It will take 10 to 15 minutes time after that you have metasploit in your termux application.
Another method for metasploit installation is very easy method you have to type single command.
pkg install metasploit
if you type this above command in your termux terminal means you have to successfully install metasploit package.
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