How to install xploitspy in termux without root

Hello guy’s in this article we are going to discuss about How to install xploitspy in termux. This xploitspy will help you to monitor any mobile phone.

What is Xploitspy?

Xploitspy is a free tool it will help you to monitoring any kind of android phone with lot of future.


  • Android version 5.0 and above
  • Termux
  • Heroku account
  • python
  • Nodjs


  • Android information
  • Gps
  • Microphone
  • Contact
  • Call logs
  • Notification log
  • clipboard log
  • Sms manager
  • Wifi manager
  • manage installed apps
  • Access file manager
  • Access downloads

How to install xploitspy in termux?

This tool installation was very long process so don’t skip this article read fully

Step 1:

First you going to this blow website

How to install xploitspy in termux without root
Now just click sing up tap and create new account
How to install xploitspy in termux without root
Once you fill the above image details just click sing up button. Now the password generation link was sent by you given mail id. so open your mail and set your password

Note: Programming language must be nodejs

How to install xploitspy in termux without root

Once you set your password this page will automatically redirect to your account now you have to create app so click create app button.The image was given above

How to install xploitspy in termux without root

Now it will ask to app name so type unique name and press create app button.

How to install xploitspy in termux without root
Now you app was successfully created Now you remember your app name, email id and password because that will help you to create monitoring app.

Step 2:

Now open your termux application and update completely. Just type this below command to update your termux.

apt update && apt upgrade

Step 3:

Now you type this below command this command will help you to install git package This git package will help you to clone the package.

pkg install git

Step 4:

Once you install git package type this below command this command will help you to install nodejs package.

pkg install nodejs

Step 5:

Once you install nodejs package just type this below command this command will help you to clone the Xploitspy package.

git clone

download the tool on termux

Step 6:

Now type this below command this command will help you to open xploitspy folder.

cd XploitSPY

change the directory of the tool

Step 7:

Once you open xploitspy folder type this below command this command will help you to install heroku in your termux.

 npm install heroku -g

install the Heroku npm

Step 8:

Now you type this below command this command will help you to login your heroku account in your termux.

heroku login -i

If you execute this above command in your termux it will ask your heroku username and password just type it.

Step 9:

Once you login heroku account type this below command this command will help you to access your heroku apk in termux.

heroku git:remote -a ( your app name)

Step 10:

Now type this below command this will help you to build your packs with jvm.

heroku buildpacks:add heroku/jvm

Step 11:

Now type this below command this will help you to build your nodejs packs.

heroku buildpacks:add heroku/nodejs

Step 12:

Once you build nodejs packs type this below command this will help you to access exploitspy web interface

git push heroku master

If you execute this above command you will get one link if did not get any link means just type this below two commands one by one.

git pull

git push -f heroku master

Now definitely you will get link after that just copy and past your browser now you will see xploitspy login page.

Xploitspy username: admin

xploitspy password: password

Once you login xploitspy now you can see apk builder tab. just click that tab and build new apk once you build download that apk after that sent victim mobile and install. That’s it guy’s now you can easily monitoring.

I hope this article help you lot. if you have any doubt’s means please command below. if you need this kind of article please follow me. Thankyou

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