Mail-swipe – Hello guy’s in this article we are going to discuss how to install the mail-swipe tool in termux. This mail-swipe tool will help you to get new and temporary mail address.
What is mail-swipe?
Mail-Swipe is a python script that helps you to create temporary email addresses and receive emails at that address. It uses the API provided by 1secmail to create email addresses and fetch emails.
You can either generate your own email address or you can generate a random email address using this script. Once you receive an email it will be saved in a text file inside the “All Mails” folder.
For security reasons, you cannot read messages from addresses: abuse@domain, webmaster@domain, contact@domain, postmaster@domain, hostmaster@domain, admin@domain. All other addresses are free to use. – 1secmail team
How to install?
Step 1:
First, you install the git package this package will help you to clone the package. type this following command to install git.
pkg install git
Step 2:
Once you install the git package type this below command to install the python package this python package will help you to run the python script in your termux.
pkg install python
pkg install python2
Step 3:
Now type this below command into your termux this command will help you to clone the mail-swipe tool in your termux.
git clone
Step 4:
Once you download the mail-swipe tool then you type this below command. This command will help you to open mail-swipe folder.
cd Mail-Swipe
Step 5:
Now type this below command to install mail-swipe requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Step 6:
Now we need to give the permission of read-write and execute to the python file by using the command
chmod +x
Step 7:
Now just type this below command to execute the script.
Step 8:
Now it will ask which domain you want custom or default domain if need default means jest press “n” and press enter otherwise press “Y”
Step 9:
If you press “Y” means Now you enter your domain name once you enter the domain name the process will be finished.
Now you have to receive all emails in this temporary email but we can not send mail only receiving. the received email has to be saved in a text file.
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