E-TOOL-Hack android phone camera and microphone

Hello guy’s in this article we are going to discuss how to access the android phone camera and microphone with E-TOOL This is one of the best tools I think because very easy to use.

What is E-TOOL?

E-TOOL is a Tool that can be used to Get Microphone voice notes from victims also get Photos from the victim’s phone, it’s a Bash-based script. This tool works on both rooted Android devices and Non-rooted Android devices.


  • Android version 5.0 and above
  • Termux application
  • Git package
  • Lolcat package

Tested platform

How to install and use it?

Step 1:

First, you install the Lolcat package will help you to add rainbow coloring. Type this below command for Linux and termux.

pip install lolcat

E-TOOL-Hack android phone camera and microphone

Step 2:

Now you install the git package this package will help you to clone the package web to your terminal so type this below command in your terminal


pkg install git


sudo apt install git

Step 3:

Now you type this below command this command will help you to clone the E-TOOL package into your terminal.

git clone https://github.com/Expert-Hacker/E-TOOL.git

E-TOOL-Hack android phone camera and microphone

Step 4:

Once you download the E-TOOL package type this below command this command will help you to open the E-TOOL folder.


change the directory

Step 5:

Now type this below command this command will help you to install these tool requirements.

bash setup.py

run the tool on termux application

Step 6:

Once you install requirements type this below command this command will help you to run this tool.

bash main_script.sh

E-TOOL-Hack android phone camera and microphone

ALSO READ: How to install ngrok in termux

Now you choose which one you want if you choose “1” means you will get one link just copy that link to share the victim. if the victim clicks that link means you can hack the victim’s android microphone. you have to receive an audio file every 5 sec. if you 2nd option means the same procedure you will get a front camera picture every 5 sec.

choose ngrok for port forwarding

Must choose 02 Ngrok because serveo.net did not work

E-TOOL-Hack android phone camera and microphone

I hope you enjoyed this article if you want this kind of article please follow our website and if you have any doubts means command below. thankyou.

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